Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yaghestan, land of the rebels

Yaghestan (ياغيستان)

Yaghestan is not so much a physical location as it is a state of mind.  Translated, it loosely means “Land of Rebels,” and is the opposite of  حكومت (hukumat; government). Afghanistan has always oscillated between the two as wars have swept the land and governments sought to impose their will. Yaghestan carries connotations of anarchy and freedom, but also of lawlessness and violence. Waziristan (which is located across the Afghan border in the northern portion of Pakistan) and Taliban-held districts in Afghanistan are often referred to as Yaghestan today.

ياغ - rebel

1 comment:

  1. Yaghestan was the name of Afghanestan when it was part of Persian Empire and was named that by the Perisan Kings because they could rule it as it was always full of rebels.
