Sunday, February 20, 2011

Horses in Islam

Horses (ās  آس, plural āsān  آسان or āsuna آسونه) are positive.  They bring good luck.  If they neigh, it means that the devil is coming.  Generally in Islam, horses are considered good, strong animals.  In Afghanistan they are considered a highly prestigious animal, which only rich people can afford; there is also their connection to Buzkashi, an extremely popular game which has huge honorific (and attendant economic) dimensions, both for the players and the organisers.

The white horse (spin ās  سپین آس) is tied to the conceptions of the prophet, martyrdom, and paradise (heaven). It is most associated in the Islamic culture with the prophet Mohammad when he ascended to heaven on a white horse. It symbolizes a Heavenly paradise and martyrdom.

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