Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time is flexible

Afghans view time as flexible.  They put more emphasis on people and relationships, rather than the meeting of deadlines and keeping to set schedules.  With shop owners and merchants, punctuality isn't usually valued, but in business situations punctuality is expected.  Business meetings do not usually begin on time, however it is a good idea for a foreigner to be punctual.  Small talk almost always precedes formal conversations.  It's appropriate to inquire about one's health, families, etc., before dealing with business.  The "get to the point" mentality is usually seen as rude.  Setting a friendly mood will allow for a more substantive dialogue.  Interruptions are quite common and agendas tend to be followed loosely, if at all.  It's best to remain patient and follow along.

time - wakht  وخت

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