Saturday, February 26, 2011


I need good example sentences for each preposition.  Just English is fine.  I will translate them. 

ته ... = to, for ...        I'm going to school = زه ښوونځۍ ته ځم
... په = on, at, by...    I'm going to school on the bus = په سرويس ښوونځۍ ته ځم
په...کى  = in...         They are in the house = دوي په کور کى دي
... د  = of ...             The car of Babrak (Babrak's car) = د ببرک موټر
د...نه = from            The enemies are attacking from the north = دشمانان د شمال نه بريد کوى
له...څخه = from...   Where are you coming from? - له کوم ځاى څخه رازې؟
له...سره = with...     I'm going to the market with my friend - زه د خپل ملګرى سره بازار ته ځم
د...سره = with...
د...لپاره = for...
د...لاندې = under...
د...په سر = on top of (lit: on X's head)
په...باندې = on (top of)
وروسته له...نه = after...
پس له...نه = after...
مخکى له...نه = before...
دمخه ...
= before...
بې له...نه = without...
تر...پورى = until...
ته نږدې ... = near ...

د...په هکله = about...    What are you talking about? = د څه په هکله خبرى کوې؟  
د...په باره کى = about...
د...په اړه = about...
د...تر مينځ = between...
د...له امله = because of...
د...په نتيجه = because of..., as a result of...
د...له کبله = because of...
د...په سبب = because of...
د...په اثر = because of...
د...له برکته  = because of...
د...په خاطر = because of, for the sake of...
د...په شاوخوا کى = around...
د...پر ځاى = instead of... 
د...په دننه = inside of...
د...تر شا = behind...
د...تر څنګه = beside...
د...پر پرتله = compared to...
له...نه پرتله = besides, except for...
پرته له...نه = without, except for, beside...
له...نه پرته = without, except for, beside...
د...په لاره = through, by (some means)
د...له خوا = by (i.e., written by, shot by...)
د...له لورې = by (done by...)

د...له طرفه = by (done by)...
د...له نظره = from the perspective of, in terms of...
د...له لحاظه = from the perspective of, in terms of...
د...له پلوه = from the perspective of, in terms of...
د...په شمول = with the participation of...
د...په لسه
= by the hand of, with the involvement of...
له...سره سره = in spite of...    

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